Since its inception, a global membership of organizations and individuals dedicated to the power of “open” to change education has supported Open Education Global (OEGlobal). Together with its members, OEGlobal focuses on building community around, promoting, and encouraging open education practices and initiatives worldwide. We bring those engaged in open education together to learn from each other and partner to improve and advance open education work globally.
OEGlobal is honored to be supported by more than 212 member organizations and 220 open educators. View the complete list of institutional members below. Meet the OEGlobal Individual Members.
List of OEGlobal institutional members
We are grateful for the ongoing support of these OEGlobal Institutional Members.
= Sustaining Member
- AGH University of Science and Technology
- Alamo Colleges
- American Public University System
- Anadolu University
- Angelina College
- Athabasca University
- Austin Community College District
- Baha'i Institute for Higher Education
- BCcampus
- Bir Tikendrajit University
- Brazosport College
- Bucks County Community College
- Butler Community College (KS)
- California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office
- California Virtual Campus
- Central Lakes College
- Central Maine Community College
- Centro de Ensino Superior Strong - CESS
- Chippewa Valley Technical College
- City University of New York (CUNY)
- College of DuPage
- College of Lake County
- College of Southern Nevada
- College of the Canyons
- College of the Mainland
- Collin College
- Colorado Community College System
- Columbus State Community College
- Commonwealth of Learning (COL)
- Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources (CCCOER)
- Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
- Cosumnes River College
- Creative Commons
- Cuyahoga Community College
- Darakht-e Danesh Library
- Delaware County Community College
- Delft University of Technology
- Del Mar College
- eCampusOntario
- ETH Zurich
- eVidhya
- Florida Virtual Campus (FLVC)- Florida State University-NWRDC
- Fox Valley Technical College Library
- Fu Jen Catholic University
- Fundação Getulio Vargas - FGV Online
- Graduate School of Engineering of Mongolian University of Science and Technology
- Grasple
- Grayson College
- Greek Academic Network OCW / OER Consortium
- HAN University of Applied Sciences
- Harford Community College
- Hokkaido University
- Houston Community College District
- Hungkuang University
- iBerry
- IMT-Atlantique
- Institute of Education, Tsinghua University
- International Christian University
- Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
- Johnson County Community College
- Jozef Stefan Institute
- Kean University
- Kirkwood Community College
- Kwantlen Polytechnic University
- Kyoto University
- Kyushu University
- Lakeland Community College
- Lakeshore Technical College
- Laredo College
- Lee College
- LibreTexts
- Lone Star College
- L'Université Numérique (France)
- Maricopa Community Colleges
- MarylandOnline
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Mercer County Community College
- MERLOT - Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching
- Michigan Community College Association
- Middle East Technical University
- Middlesex Community College
- Midland College
- Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC)
- MiraCosta College
- Moodle
- Mountain Heights Academy
- Nagoya University
- Nashua Community College
- National Central University
- National Chengchi University
- National Cheng Kung University
- National Chung Hsing University
- National Dong Hwa University
- National Ilan University
- National Open University
- National Open University of Nigeria
- National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
- National Sun Yat-Sen University
- National Taiwan Normal University
- National Taiwan Ocean University
- National Taiwan University
- National Tsing Hua University
- National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
- Netease Open Courses
- Nicolet College
- NILRC - Network of Illinois Learning Resources in Community Colleges
- Norco College
- NorQuest College
- Northeastern Junior College
- Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
- Northern Essex Community College
- Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA)
- North Shore Community College
- Norwegian Digital Learning Arena (NDLA)
- OER Africa
- Open Education France
- Open Education Japan
- Open Oregon Educational Resources
- Open University Netherlands
- Organisation internationale de la Francophonie
- Osaka University
- Paris Junior College
- Pasadena City College
- Peer 2 Peer University (P2PU)
- Pennsylvania State University
- Pierce College
- Pikes Peak State College
- Pima Community College
- Politecnico di Milano
- Providence University
- Raritan Valley Community College
- Roxbury Community College
- Salt Lake Community College
- San Diego Community College District
- San Jacinto College
- Santa Ana College
- Santa Fe College
- Santa Monica College
- Saxion University of Applied Sciences
- Saylor Academy
- ScholarRx
- Soochow University
- Sophia University
- Southeast Arkansas College
- South Plains College
- Southwest Texas Junior College
- St. Charles Community College
- St. Louis Community College
- SURFnet
- Taipei Medical University
- Taiwan Open Course and Education Consortium (TOCEC)
- Tamkang University
- Tarrant County College
- Technical College System of Georgia
- Tecnológico de Monterrey
- Temple College
- Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
- Thanh Do University
- The Open University
- The Open University of Japan
- The University of Nottingham
- The University of the South Pacific (USP)
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Trinity Valley Community College
- Tutorial University
- Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- Universidad de Cantabria
- Universidad de Costa Rica
- Universidad de Zaragoza
- Universidad Estatal a Distancia
- Universidad Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (UNICyT)
- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia
- Universidad Politécnica Madrid
- Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
- Universitas Indonesia
- Universitas Terbuka (Indonesian Open University)
- Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO
- Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. BarcelonaTech (UPC)
- Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain)
- Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
- University of Cape Town
- University of Hawaii Community Colleges
- University of Leeds Libraries
- University of Malaya
- University of Michigan
- University of Nantes
- University of South Africa
- University of Southern Queensland
- University of the People
- University of Tokyo
- University of Tsukuba
- University of Windsor
- Ventura County Community College District
- VIA University College - Denmark
- Virginia Community College System
- Virtual University of Pakistan
- Waseda University
- Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
- Waukesha County Technical College
- West Hills College Lemoore