Launched by Open Education Global, OEG Connect is an online community space for open educators everywhere. Join us to create a welcoming space for the exchange of ideas, resources, and projects, but also to directly connect with practitioners and experts interested in advancing the value proposition of open education.
We seek to create a place more focused and conducive to true collaboration than the noise of social media. Thus, we have chosen to run this community using the open source platform Discourse, whose tagline is “civilized discussion for your community.” OEG Connect has purposefully been designed not overly structured and are looking for direction on how to shape it based upon those who show up.
What will you find here?
You can read about the current discussion areas available in OEG Connect. But maybe the best way to understand OEG Connect is to visit and look around. Most of the topics are open to anyone to read, so why not look now? Join a conversation or start a new topic, go to connect.oeglobal.org.
If you decide this is a place you’d like to contribute to and participate, then you can join the community. Just create an account by clicking the blue sign up button in the top right corner.

Who can join?
Anyone! This includes educators, organizations, foundations, corporate enterprises, and governments that support the open education community. We do expect anyone who joins to follow our guidelines on how to interact with others.
Manage your notification
You can control the frequency of notifications from Connect. After you create your account, you can edit your notification frequency. Your first email after activating your account will provide links to edit these settings as well as customizing your profile. We even have an interactive “bot” that offers a guided tour to the features of the discourse software.