Become an OEGlobal Member

Open Education Global (OE Global) is a global organization focusing on community building, advancement, and support of open education initiatives worldwide. With the support of our members, we bring those engaged in open education together to learn from each other and partner on improving and advancing open education work globally.

OE Global is honored to be supported by over 250 member organizations plus over 210 individual members. Explore the current membership:

Who should be an OE Global Member

OE Global Members are organizations and individuals involved in developing, implementing, and supporting open education. They come from all over the world and from across all education sectors, including:

Primary and secondary (K-12)

Community, technical, and vocational colleges


Non-accredited education providing informal education

Organizations promoting lifelong learning


Open initiatives and special projects providing informal education

Corporate enterprises

Non-profits, NGOs, IGOs

Cultural organizations

Government education departments


Why Members Sign Up

OE Global members include thought leaders and innovators from around the world. Inclusion in this network and access to other members, discussion boards, collaborative projects, and idea exchange is a key membership benefit.

Members benefit from joining a rich and diverse global community of open education leaders and practitioners working to improve teaching and learning worldwide.

OE Global provides members a forum on OEG Connect to:

  • Partner on projects with other members.
  • Engage in professional development and learn best practices from other members.
  • Collaborate on the development of open education policy and strategy.
  • Network with other members to ask questions, discuss open education issues, and promote open education work.
  • Play a vital role in the governance of OE Global itself. OE Global Board of Directors is elected from within the membership.

Within open education, member interests and needs are broad and diverse. Open education has a long history, primarily from supplying education to remote rural communities and providing educational opportunities to historically disadvantaged or previously marginalized communities. OE Global continues and builds on that tradition, focusing on new forms of open education enabled by digital technology, the Internet, open licences, and the cultures of collaboration and sharing.

Current areas of focus for OE Global and its members include:

  • Educational materials
  • Open education practices
  • Enabling technologies
  • System change, and
  • Community networks

While OE Global has a worldwide focus, we also support regional open education efforts through nodes for regional or national collaborations. There are currently two OEG nodes:

  1. Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources (CCCOER)
  2. OE LATAM Regional Node

OE Global provides platforms for members to communicate about and share the open educational initiatives they have created. It also offers international exposure for its members’ innovative open education work and resources. OEGlobal further facilitates members’ work through the OEG Connect forum, visibility on the OEGlobal blog and in the monthly Member Letters, invitations to participate in events such as Open Education Week and OE Global Conference, and activities that raise awareness of members’ work worldwide.

What OE Global members do

Open Education Global is a worldwide community that seeks to transform education systems everywhere by stewarding a movement toward openness in all aspects of education. We are committed to making education open and available for all, not a commodity where access is controlled.

Members support the vision and mission of OE Global and open education worldwide. We encourage institutions, organizations, corporations, and individuals interested in supporting and advocating openness to join us.

Some examples of how members have shown support for open education include the maintenance of an Open Education site or program, incorporating Open Educational Resources into institutional offerings, actively promoting Open Educational practices, or other open-focused activities consistent with OE Global’s strategic pillars and objectives.

You might be starting your open education journey and still need examples. In that case, please share your motivations for joining OE Global on the application form.

We encourage potential members that would like to learn more about what open education is and how to do this work to explore the information on our pages that introduce Open education.

If you have any uncertainty, don’t hesitate to contact us. We can discuss how your organization might align with our values of openness in education.

Membership Categories

Institutional Membership

We welcome membership applications from all types of organizations, across all education sectors, from around the world. Our members range from primary, secondary, and tertiary educational institutions to community, technical, vocational colleges, and regional and linguistic consortia.

Individual Membership

For individuals not affiliated with an OEGlobal member institution, we have launched a way for you to join as an individual member. Explore the Individual Membership option and the application form.

Subsidized Memberships

If you want to join the OEG but lack the financial means, you can request a subsidized membership. The OEG is committed to global diversity, equity, and inclusion. Send your request to Please describe the organization, its interest in open education, and the reason for the subsidization request.

Sustaining Membership

Organizations that wish to show their commitment to open education and support the long-term sustainability of OE Global can apply for a Sustaining Membership. The Sustaining Membership costs $30,000 paid over five years. Sustaining Members collaborate with OE Global staff to define how their membership fee will benefit the open education movement. After five years, a Sustaining Member can either renew for five years or become a regular member.

Membership Fees (in USD)

OE Global’s membership categories and fees are

Primary and secondary (K-12) organizations,

Community, technical, and vocational colleges

USD 700 / year


Open initiatives and special projects,

Non-profits, NGOs, IGOs

Cultural organizations,


USD 900 / year 


USD 900 / year 
+ USD 400 for each consortia member

Corporate enterprises

USD 2,000 / year


Sliding Scale

New Members

New members are required to complete a membership application. Upon application approval, new members will receive an email notification detailing the acceptance and an electronic invoice. Please note that newly approved applicants only become official OE Global members upon receipt of payment for the annual membership fee.

Membership Renewal Process

OE Global members pay an annual (January to December) membership fee based on the relevant category. New members are charged a prorated fee depending on the quarter the membership begins. 

Existing members will receive an invoice for the current year’s membership by February. 

Membership fees are invoiced electronically. Payment is due on receipt of the invoice. Bank transfer, check, or credit card are accepted payment methods. Please send any requests for an extension on the payment due date to our billing department using the contact information on the invoice.

Every 2-3 years, OE Global reviews and adjusts membership fees and communicates these changes before the next invoice.

Are you ready to join us?