Shironica P. Karunanayaka
Open University of Sri Lanka
Location: Sri Lanka
Term: 2025-2027
Shironica is a Senior Professor in Educational Technology at the Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL). She is a former Dean of the Faculty of Education, and former Head of the Department of Secondary and Tertiary Education. Currently she functions as the Director in the Centre for Educational Technology and Media (CETMe) at OUSL. She has been an academic at OUSL since 1993. Shironica holds the Degree of Doctor of Education from the University of Wollongong, Australia, specializing in Information Technology in Education and Training. She served as an Honorary Adviser to the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) during 2019-2021, and from April 2023, she is appointed as a COL Chair (Teacher Education). Shironica is the Editor-in-Chief in the Journal of Innovative Practices in Education (JIPE), and Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences (SLJSS), and serves in the editorial boards of several international journals. Her key research interests include technology-enhanced learning, learning experience design, open educational resources (OER), and open educational practices (OEP). She has led a number of research projects related to OER, OEP, MOOCs, Digital Education, and Teacher Education, with international collaborations. Shironica has published widely and has received many awards atinstitutional, national, and international levels.
Personal web: https://shironicakarunanayaka.wordpress.com/