Open Education Global (OEGlobal) convened a General meeting of OEGlobal members on August 28th. The primary purpose of this meeting was to adopt amended OEGlobal Bylaws that the OEGlobal Board of Directors unanimously approved on July 5th, 2024.
The main objective of the amendments to the Bylaws was to facilitate and improve the governance of OEGlobal by clarifying the role of Individual Members, defining the rights and involvement of Institutional Members, and clarifying the roles of the Board Directors and Committees.
The Bylaws under review included:
- The amended OEGlobal Bylaws proposed and adopted by the OEGlobal Board on July 5th, 2024.
- Explanatory notes to the OEGlobal Bylaws proposal adopted by the board on July 5th, 2024, including a comparison of the main changes between current and amended OEGlobal Bylaws
- OEGlobal Bylaws previous to the newly adopted bylaws
The General Assembly was open to OEGlobal members and supporters of Open Education, but only the OEGlobal institutional members (listed here) could vote to adopt the Bylaws.
The Board of Directors, led by Perrine de Coëtlogon, Board President, introduced the main points of the proposed amendments. The meeting was held online, and online asynchronous voting by proxy was permitted. Members voted during the General Assembly and adopted the amended Bylaws, with 93.8% of eligible members voting for the proposed amendments.

Once the voting was concluded, Igor Lesko and Marcela Morales, co-Executive Directors, shared information about the current activities of OEGlobal, in alignment with OEGlobal’s strategic plan, including
- The 2024 election for OEGlobal Board Members
- The OEGlobal 2024 Conference in Brisbane, Australia
- The Network of Open Organisations, an alliance of diverse organisations and leaders dedicated to expanding global access to knowledge Ther Open Education LATAM (OELATAM), OEGlobal’s regional node operating in Latin America
- The OEGlobal Francophone, OEGlobal’s node focuses its activities on French-speaking communities in 38 countries
- The Community College Consortium for OER (CCCOER), OEGlobal’s regional node focusing in activities primarily on community colleges across North America
- The Open for Antiracism (OFAR) program
- The Open Education Awards for Excellence (OEAwards) is releasing its shortlist of nominated excellent open education people, projects, policies, platforms and practices
- Open Education Week (OEWeek) is gearing up for the 2025 version in March!
- OEGlobal Voices podcasts continue to showcase the people behind open education work
- OEGlobal Connect includes 1,900+ open educators to connect, share and collaborate together.
Afterwards, the microphone was opened for the members present to share their work and their thoughts. Watch the full session below.