Helping Each Other

Like all of you, Open Education Global (OEG) has been feeling the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic. We feel the depletion of social and emotional energy. We feel the distress and concern over health, safety, and financial stability.

Around the world, the impact of the pandemic has been compounded by violence, curtailed freedoms, and racial injustices. We find these actions disturbing and distressing. They leave us with a heavy heart. We oppose violence, oppression, and discrimination.

The very basis and underlying principles of open education are around inclusion and equity. These are core to OEG as an organization, too. As an organization, OEG proactively works at having diverse global staff, members, and Board. With that diversity comes different world views, beliefs, understandings, and experiences. We embrace this diversity. We learn from it and draw on it as a strength.

All of OEG’s efforts are focused on making education an accessible, essential, shared, and collaborative social good. This is our role, our mandate, our vision.

OEG believes in the power of education as a means of enhancing understanding, compassion and empathy. We believe education has a critical role to play in helping us all cope and deal with these difficult times.

As a global, member-based organization, OEG believes in the power of collective action. While this is our normal mode of operation it is even more important in times like these. The best response to times of crisis is coming together and helping each other.  

Toward that end, we invite all our members and the global open education community to share with us and each other the resources, practices, policies and means by which you are dealing with the pandemic and social injustices related to absence of diversity, equity and inclusion. 
In support of this sharing and dialogue OEG is launching OEG Connect.

Over the past couple of months we’ve been working on developing OEG Connect and preparing it for launch. Our aim is for OEG Connect to serve as a global forum for discussion of matters related to open education. It provides a space where OEG members and the open education community from around the world can share expertise and learn from each other.

The current global crises around the pandemic and social injustices are matters that directly affect all of us in open education. Giving the pressing need to act, OEG has moved forward plans to launch OEG Connect. We’ve set up an area in OEG Connect for facilitated dialogue on these crises and the ways open education can help resolve them. We invite you to post, listen, and learn as we collectively work to generate a shared understanding and course of action.

Working together to make the world better through open education.


OEG Voices – Latest Podcasts

OE Global Voices

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OE Global Voices
OEG Voices 078: Significant Impact OER Award Winner Frontiers for Young Minds
OEG Voices 078: Significant Impact OER Award Winner Frontiers for Young Minds

Put this episode of OE Global Voices on your “Must Listen List” and be prepared for waves of inspiration and awe for Frontiers for Young Minds, an outstanding project that publishes on the order of 250 papers a year on complex areas of science. But more importantly, these papers are written for kids and reviewed by kids in a process that, when you hear it, will make it clear why Frontiers for Young Minds was recognized with a 2024 Open Education Award for Excellence in the Significant Impact category.

Frontiers for Young Minds

Frontiers for Young Minds believes that the best way to make cutting-edge science discoveries available to younger audiences is to enable young people and scientists to work together to create articles that are both top quality and exciting.

Distinguished scientists are invited to write about their discoveries in a language that is accessible for young readers, and it is then up to the kids themselves – with the help of a science mentor – to provide feedback and explain to the authors how to best improve the articles before publication.

This unique process produces a collection of freely available scientific articles by leading scientists, shaped for younger audiences by the input of their own young peers.

In this episode we will learn more about the journal and its publishing process, but also dive into an example of how a paper on the science of secrets was drafted by clinical psychologists at Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Netherlands), reviewed by kids in the Science Club at Disley Primary School (United Kingdom) mentored by neuroscientist Caroline Lea-Carnall at the University of Manchester (United Kingdom) and then published in the Frontiers for Young Minds journal as Shhh! What Are Secrets and How Do They Affect Us?

In the podcast recording studio with top row, left to right) Laura Henderson and Hedwig Ens (Frontiers for Young Minds) and bottom row,Caroline Lea-Carnall (University of Manchester), Ildikó Csizmazia and Minita Franzen (Erasmus University Rotterdam).

In This Episode

FYI: For the sake of experimentation and the spirit of transparency, this set of show notes alone was generated by the AI “Underlord” in the Descript editor we use to produce OEGlobal Voices.

In this episode of OE Global Voices, host Alan Levine delves into the inspirational story behind the award-winning project, “Frontiers for Young Minds,” which uniquely involves children in the peer-review process of scientific articles aimed at young readers. Alan engages with key figures including Laura Henderson, head of the program, along with contributors and reviewers Caroline Lea-Carnall, Hedwig Ens, Ildikó Csizmazia, and Minita Franzen. They discuss the project’s origins, its mission to make complex scientific concepts accessible and engaging for kids, and the enriching experience it provides for both young reviewers and established scientists. The conversation highlights the project’s significant impact on science communication and education, celebrating its collaborative spirit and success in fostering a new generation of science enthusiasts.

  • Intro Music, Opening Quotes, and Welcome
  • Meet the Guests: Laura Henderson and Team
  • The Origin Story of Frontiers for Young Minds
  • The Review Process: Kids as Gatekeepers
  • The Impact of the Project on Kids and Scientists
  • Future Plans and Closing Remarks

(end of AI generated show notes)

Additional Links and Quotes for Episode 78

 It was very interesting to see their thinking was about the whole idea. There were places where we [thought] this might be an important part to share, but there is not really much research on that so we cannot say anything.

So I just didn’t [add] anything in the article. And then kids were like, “Okay, but can you tell us something about it? Is there research on it?” I liked that feedback.

They also picked up on the positive things — this made us enthusiastic to continue to incorporate their feedback. And we really thought we are contributing and doing something that younger readers also find very important.

Ildikó Csizmazia on responding to the reviewers

One of the great privileges of our work is that we work with the most engaged, the most passionate people, the researchers, the science mentors, the kids themselves. It’s a kind of self-selecting group who come to be part of what we do. And the real common thread is always that passion and that engagement.

So it gives us energy and thank you to everybody who’s been part of our process, the people here on this call today, so Ildikó, Minita, Caroline, but also all of our authors, science mentors, editors, young reviewers who’ve been part of our process over the years.

We’ve worked with about 900 editors and 9,000 plus young reviewers in 65 countries and however many authors, it’s, an incredible number of authors.

Laura Henderson, Frontiers for Young Minds

Our open licensed music for this episode is a track calledScience Summit by Serge Quadrado licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License. Like most of our podcast music, it was found at the Free Music Archive (see our full FMA playlist).

Finally, this was another episode we are recording on the web in Squadcast, part of the Descript platform for AI enabled transcribing and editing audio in text– this has greatly enhanced our ability to produce our showsWe have been exploring some of the other AI features in Descriptbut our posts remain human authored except where indicated otherwise.