We are all now working from home, creating workplaces, devising new daily routines and struggling to make sense of a world dramatically disrupted.
Maybe you have questions about working from home, or how to teach online using open education. Maybe you want to connect with other educators in a similar situation as you. Maybe you want to hear how other parts of the world are continuing to provide education during this pandemic. Maybe you want to hear and share uplifting stories of how people around the world are helping each other. Or maybe you just need someone to listen to you.
The Open Education Global staff are hosting 30-min drop-in, Care & Share Conversations over the next two weeks. These informal conversations provide opportunities for sharing:
- experiences about working from home
- advice on how to teach online and using open education
- examples of how education around the world is adapting to this pandemic
- uplifting stories of how people around the world are helping each other
There are a few simple rules – introduce yourself, listen, share stories and resources, be kind, and help each other.
These conversations are organized in two different time zones: Pacific Daylight Time (PTD) and Central European Standard Time (CEST). The drop-in conversations are scheduled for:
- 1-Apr 8am PDT, host Paul Stacey
- 3-Apr 10am CEST, host Igor Lesko
- 7-Apr 10am CEST, host Igor Lesko
- 8-Apr 8am PDT, host Paul Stacey
Use the Time Zone Converter to find the conversations for your time zone.