Thank you to everyone that helped make the 2020 Open Education Week a success!

We hope that you found Open Education Week informative, worthwhile, and fun. While the primary goal of the week is to bring global awareness of open education, leaders, professionals, and friends from around the world came together in an open dialogue by various methods to discuss and share open education.
With almost 6,500 participants from 121 countries this year, Open Education Week 2020 did not disappoint! We are excited to share statistics about the globalness of the 2020 event. There were 28 contributing countries and 15 languages. Events included Twitter chats, webinars, a wiki-thon, 24-hour events, and even a petting zoo! There were many topics covered during the week and the presenters did an outstanding job of sharing their expertise.
See the detailed summary and infographic that summarizes #OEWeek 2020. Please feel free to download, promote and share.

Mark your calendar for Open Education Week 2021, March 1 – 5, 2021.